December 26, 2009

He Rocks My Socks Off!

6 months and 1 day in a world without Michael. I miss him, I really do:(
Screenshots from Pepsi "Convention" commercial (1984)

A Holly Jolly Christmas!

December 10, 2009



December 4, 2009

Cecilia Carlstedt

Another extremely talented Swedish illustrator. I'm starting to think fashion illustration is in their blood. I love how detailed her work is, yet it has that unfinished quality. If you want to read more about her, I suggest you check out an interview from After Art College blog.

Agent Bauer

Cassandra Rhodin

Big dark rimmed eyes, heavy lids, high arched eyebrows, small pouty lips and long necks. There's something very Tim Burton-esque about these characters. Unfortunately, all I know about this illustrator is that she's Swedish.

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Agent Bauer

December 3, 2009

Kareem Iliya

Kareem Iliya was born in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1967. He studied fashion design at the University of Texas, Austin, USA and the Institute of Fashion Technology, in New York. He started his fashion career working with Giorgio Armani and he is currently a freelanced illustrator and a menswear designer. His medium is watercolour and inks on paper.
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Kareen Iliya

November 15, 2009

Shingai Shoniwa

Yup, that's her: the lead singer of The Noisettes. I'm not sure if it's her hair, her voice, her clothes, her amazing skin, her energy on stage or just her attitude, but she just oozes coolness. The perfect combination of rock'n'roll, punk, 80's and soul...retro meets futuristic. Or "Afro-centric with an edge of couture" as she describes her style. Whatever it is, I like it.
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Screenshots from Never Forget You
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Screenshots from Every Now And Then

November 4, 2009

Laura Laine

While I was flickering through my book of Contemporary Illustrators, I came across this ridiculously talented illustrator from Helsinki - Laura Laine. I particularly love the texture of the hair, the exaggerated poses and their doodle-like quality. These is what princesses look like in my dreams.
all images from Laura Laine

June 26, 2009

My "Chycal"

I've been his biggest fan for longer than I can remember. Literally. According to my mom, one of my first coherent sentences was "I love Chycal Jackson" and I swear I still remember scenes from the Moonwalker even though I was only 2 when I first watched it. I remember falling in love with him in Smooth Criminal, watching Bad, Leave Me Alone and all his videos (or short films, as he called them) like a maniac and deciding one day to pack up my toys for an imaginary trip to his Neverland. I remember watching Live in Bucharest when I was 5 with my mom and an old lady who lived next door and complained every time Michael grabbed his crotch...and how mesmerized I was watching him fly that jet pack at the end of the concert. My first cassette tape was Dangerous and one of the first books I ever read was Moonwalk (and probably the only one I read more than twice). I remember sleeping with his picture under my pillow, making my aunt steal posters from her roommates in college and of course, moonwalking the hell out of the carpet in my room. Later I became "that girl who made a complete fool of herself every time they played MJ" in a dance club. Today I feel like my childhood just died... I simply cannot imagine my 21 years of existence without him. To me, Michael is the most important person that I've never met and I feel extremely lucky to have grown up listening to his music, honoured to have lived in the Michael Jackson era and proud to have been his fan my whole life.

Thank you, Michael for making my childhood MAGICAL.

I apologize for the lack of credits for all the photos, most of them are from MJJPictures

June 19, 2009


Ahh...Merry Poppins, the books of my childhood. Somehow I never got the chance to see the movie until now.

May 28, 2009


(Watercolours - wet on wet technique and sepia ink).

Style Warrior

What better way to combine my love for MAC makeup with my passion for oil pastels? When I saw the promotional posters for the new collection Style Warriors, I could not help but paint them.